You may also follow pages, and people, and even like and comment on posts, stories, and so on. Many users also look for Instagram profiles by phone number. Instagram also assures that no profile or page on their site may be hacked and maintains security by integrating good features.

Why is Instagram telling me to try again later we limit how often?

Some Instagram users have been receiving an error while commenting, liking, or trying to follow the page or profile. The error message read Try again later: We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram…. and forbids the user from doing a few things. This usually happens to the newly created user profile who tries to follow most of their favorite people in a single day. Instagram detects this behavior as similar to the bot-behavior and puts a restriction on the profile. There are a few limits set by Instagram to all the user’s profiles and pages on how many posts they can like, how many comments they can post, or how many people or pages they can follow in a day. When users cross this limit, Instagram instantly puts a temporary ban on the user profile and they get such error message discussed above. How long do Instagram limits last? Technically, when Instagram puts a restriction on any users, it will last for around 24- 48 hours. After which, the user can use the Instagram profile as usual and till it does not cross the limit. Otherwise, the user may have to face this error again! Don’t fret if you are going through the same situation, here are five quick solutions to this problem! SPONSORED

How do you remove limits on Instagram?

1. Change the Instagram password

2. Reinstall the Instragram app

3. Create a backup profile

Such things happen usually with many profiles which are newly created because users tend to start following many of their friends and favorite celebrity profiles. This causes to occur the error on their Instagram and restricts them from doing certain things. The small workaround is to create a backup profile by visiting the Instagram website and clicking the Sign up button at the bottom and providing all the necessary details to create a new profile. Another small tip is the most active account does not get many errors like restrictions on doing certain things whereas a new or hardly used account will face such problems. So try to engage in Instagram using your primary account most of the time.

4. Report a problem

If this error is caused due to any technical glitch in the Instagram app, you can always report this to Instagram. Go to the Profile icon on the top right corner and select the Settings option. Then, click Help and tap on Report a problem. Now describe the technical issue briefly and also you can attach any screenshots of the issue taken from the Instagram app and send the report to the Instagram support team. They will analyze and rectify it as soon as possible.

5. Use Instagram automation tools

There have been a number of Instagram automation tools like SocialPilot, Later, Kicksta, etc. which can be used for the user’s benefit. These are used to keep control over how many likes, comments are being done by the user. It also keeps track of how many pages and profiles are being followed. They also help the user for scheduling the best possible time for their posts, stories, and reels on their Instagram profile. They help in managing hashtags and other Instagram features too. We hope you found this article informative. Please leave us a comment below.

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