Some players compare it to Overwatch, while others compare Valorant to CS:GO. However, in reality, Valorant is in a league of its own. There are definitely some similarities between the titles, but each game offers a different experience. Yes, both Valorant and Overwatch are hero shooters, but that’s about it. Yes, you can defuse bombs (sort of) in Valorant, as Counter-Strike lets you do. But the games are very different when it comes to mechanics. Long story short, Valorant is an awesome game and made thousands of players (yours truly included) watch endless Twitch streams in an attempt to grab one of those closed beta keys. However, things are not all rosy. Since it’s an online-exclusive game, Valorant can sometimes face a bunch of connectivity difficulties. For instance, packet loss.
What is packet loss in Valorant?
Generally speaking, packet loss tends to behave the same, regardless of the environment you notice it in, whether it’s in a VoIP, streaming multimedia content in your browser, or playing an online game such as Valorant. As its name boldly suggests, packet loss means that one or more data packets have trouble reaching their destination. As a result, data doesn’t reach you or the remote server at all, which makes the connection lag. When a device expects incoming data that never comes, it artificially delays the delivery, to give packets another chance to arrive. More often than not, the device makes another request and the data ultimately gets delivered. However, there are some cases where the packet loss percentage is so severe, that the connection chooses to shut down instead of waiting for incoming packets indefinitely. Both cases can be equally frustrating when you play online games such as Valorant. Leaking packets means high latency, unresponsive menus and buttons, rubberbanding, and even sudden crashes.
What causes packet loss in Valorant?
The reasons behind packet loss are various, and we don’t say that lightly. Even using WiFi instead of wired connections or having subpar Ethernet cables can trigger this issue. However, there’s one cause that seems to weigh a bit heavier in the occurrence pattern of packet loss: network congestion. Network congestion is exactly what you think it is. When the network becomes unable to accommodate users or requests, it starts failing at balancing resources. Stable networks that are properly routed have it easier since they can balance resource usage in a more fair, logical way, by equally distributing it among all its users. However, when the network is not properly configured, it may start to allocate more resources to some users, and next to none to others. Guess who will encounter packet loss then? Long story short, there are a lot of potential reasons behind packet loss, but the most frequent one is network congestion.
How to perform a packet loss test in Valorant?
1. Use the game’s built-in option
That’s it, your packet loss will be displayed for you while you’re in the game. It’s not too complicated and displays only the packet loss percentage between you and the Valorant server.
2. Use Windows’ pathping tool
The second way of detecting packet loss in Valorant may take a while, so we don’t recommend it, especially considering that you’ll likely ruin other players’ experience. More so, Riot Games servers might be difficult or downright impossible to trace. Using tracers yielded a request timeout in our case, which made us believe they’re not exactly out there for you to see.
How to fix packet loss in Valorant?
A little bit of maintenance on your local network can go a long way, and can even help reduce packet loss, if not eliminate it altogether. Perform some manual troubleshooting: ➡️ Restart your PC, router, and/or modem ➡️ Check if there’s anything suspicious with any part of your home connection (cables, router) ➡️ Replace/repair troublesome components on your local connection (cables, adapters, drivers) ➡️Try to avoid peak hours if your network has a history of congestion (or use a VPN) ➡️ Always try to use wireless instead of WiFi (WiFi packet loss occurs more frequently) ➡️ Make sure your router runs on the latest version of its firmware ➡️ Contact Riot Games and inform them if there’s something wrong on their side ➡️ Call your ISP if you suspect there’s something wrong with your connection
2. Use a trustworthy VPN service
You can safely use ExpressVPN to reduce packet loss in Valorant, but this VPN has even more perks under the hood. For instance, it can help you improve in-game ping, circumvent geo-blocking, and stop ISP throttling in a jiffy. Granted you’re not in a Competitive match, just give the game the old ragequit Alt+F4 and launch it once more. Sure, you’ll probably ruin the game for your teammates, but staying online and perpetually losing packets can be even worse, don’t you think? Either way, you’ll end up annoying a bunch of players, but in one scenario you’ll get rid of packet loss. When you use ExpressVPN with Valorant, your ping may drop significantly with minimal packet loss.We believe this demonstrates a problem with the ISP and Valorant servers, as moving the server to another country near your location increases access to the servers significantly. So, if you’re trying to figure out why your ping is so much higher than usual and you suffer packet loss, we recommend giving ExpressVPN a try. However, keep in mind that this packet loss VPN fix will only work if your ISP causes it by limiting your connection. A good VPN such as ExpressVPN can circumvent bandwidth throttling and improper traffic routing.
3. Update network drivers to their latest version
If you require another method to update your drivers safely and faster, we suggest that you utilize a driver updater like DriverFix. You can therefore scan your PC for any outdated drivers or missing ones that may cause functional issues on your Valorant gameplay. Hence, you’ll be able to update the Network driver within a few clicks or select them all at once.
4. Flush your DNS
5. Close any bandwidth-heavy apps
Valorant packet loss is easy to fix
All things considered, if you’re experiencing packet loss in Valorant and are ready to call it quits, listen up. We know how annoying packet loss can get, but fortunately, it can be easily fixed if you’re patient enough. One of the most common fixes we’ve discovered is simply restarting the game. We have no idea why it works, but it does, so we’re going to advocate for it. You can also start using a VPN, but this fix only works with network congestion, or if your ISP throttles your bandwidth. Thus, you’ll need to make sure that you got the cause right before purchasing a subscription. You can as well check out our best VPNs for Valorant that can reduce lag and improve gameplay. Also, visit the Gaming Hub to discover more awesome guides about gaming with a VPN. Last, but not least, when’s the last time you’ve performed maintenance on your network? Never? Well, it’s never too late to do it, especially knowing that it can help improve packet loss, and in some cases even eliminate it. Loading…
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