The main idea of this application is to trigger the running of different scripts and programs at a specific time or a certain event. It has a library where all the tasks loaded are indexed, and it organizes them according to the time that must be done and their importance. Let’s discover together in the lines below what Task Scheduler contains and how we can use this useful application.

How do I schedule tasks in Windows 10 using Task Scheduler?

1. Types of triggers

The first step of creating a task is to determine what will cause it to run, so the trigger is a set of conditions that when fulfilled, starts the task. The triggers can be found in the Trigger tab from the Task Properties and the Create Task menu. From the Create Task menu, you can create new triggers for your needs. There are two types of triggers: the time-based trigger and the event-based trigger.

The time-based trigger is used for tasks that start at a certain time or tasks that starts periodically, depending on your schedule.

The event-based trigger is used for actions that start at a specific system event.

For example, let’s suppose that on this day you want to recover a few hours of work, and you want to have the same productivity, even though you know you will work more than usual. You can set a task to be triggered every time your computer is entering an idle state.

1.1. Triggers for a schedule

This kind of trigger causes the task to run after a well-determined schedule configured by you. From the trigger settings, you can choose if the task will be repeated once, daily, weekly, or monthly. This time interval is guided by the computer’s date and time. You can check the Universal box for making the time interval relative and synchronize it with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This feature allows you to coordinate multiple tasks to run independently in different time zones.

The One time trigger is the easiest to set up. All you have to do is enter the day and time you want the action to take place.

The Daily trigger is based on a recurrent system and the date and time you want to start using this kind of trigger.

The interval of 1 is producing a daily schedule, the interval of 2 is producing an every other day schedule, and so on.

If you opt for a Weekly trigger you must enter the date and time you want to start this schedule, the days when you want to take place and how often to repeat. Recursion of this trigger is similar to the daily one.

For the interval of 1, the task will be repeated weekly, for the interval of 2, the task will be repeated every two weeks, and so on.

The Monthly trigger does not have many differences from the others, you only need to select the week and the day that you want to activate your task.

The recursion system is the same, the only difference being that the minimum interval of repetition is one month.

1.2. Triggers for logging on

This type of trigger runs an action when a user logs onto the computer. It has a customization feature that allows you to set the action to occur for all users or only for certain users.

1.3. Triggers for idle state

This trigger determines the action to run after entering the computer in the idle state. The trigger conditions can be configured from the Conditions tab of the Create Task menu or from the Task Properties window.

1.4. Triggers for an event

The event-based trigger determines the action to run after an event occurs. You can choose from a predefined list of events but you can also set a specific event. If you are choosing the Basic trigger settings, only one event from the specific event log will run the task. If you choose the Custom trigger settings you can enter the XML event query or a custom filter for the events that can run the task.

1.5. Triggers on workstation lock

This type of trigger runs the task when the computer is locked. You can configure from the settings if this action will be available for any user or for a specific user. You can do the same thing for the unlocking station process.

1.6. Advanced settings of triggers

Delay task for up to (random delay)

This feature allows you to insert a delay between the moment when the task was triggered and the moment when the task will take place. For example, if you have a time based trigger, the task is scheduled to be triggered at 3:00 PM and you set the Delay task for up to (random delay) to 30 minutes, your task will be triggered in between 3:00 PM and 3:30 PM.

Repeat task every:

Here you can set a repeating time for your task. So, after the task will be triggered, it will wait the amount of time specified and after that, it will be triggered again. This entire process will continue until the period allocated is done.

2. Types of actions

The action is the process or a part of the process that is performed when the task is running. A task can have up to 32 actions. Every action has some settings that determine how the task is performed. You can find and edit the task’s actions from the Actions tab of the Task Properties menu or from Create Task window. When the list contains more than one action, they will be executed consecutively starting with the action from the top of the Actions tab and ending with the action from the bottom of the list. If you want to change the actions order all you have to do is to click on the action that you want to move and then use the arrow keys to move it above or below.

2.1. Action that activates a program

This kind of action is used for starting a program or a script. In the Settings menu of the Actions tab, you enter the name of the script or the program you want to start. If one of those sequences takes command line arguments you can add, delete and edit them in the Add arguments (optional) text box. The Start In (optional) is the place where you can specify the directory for the command line that will execute your script or your program. This should be either the path to the program or the script file that leads to the files that are used by the executable file.

2.2. Action that sends an e-mail

This action is particularly useful for people who communicate a lot via email. In the settings of this action, you have to enter your e-mail address, the e-mail address of the person who will receive the mail, the title of the e-mail, the message you want to be sent, and you have also an optional feature to attach different files to the mail. You must also specify the SMTP server of your e-mail.

2.3. Action that displays a message

This action is used more like a reminder because it displays on your screen a text with a title. Select the Display a message category from the Actions menu and type the title and the message of the reminder.

3. Types of Task Conditions

Task conditions decide if a task can run after it was triggered. Conditions are optional and their main role is to help you accomplish a more accurate task reported to the operating situation. You can find them in the Conditions tab of the Task Properties or Create Task menu. Conditions are divided into 3 categories: idle conditions, network conditions, and network conditions.

3.1. Idle conditions

With this condition, you can tell the task to run only if your computer is an idle for a certain amount of time. Every 15 minutes, Task Scheduler is checking your activity to find out if your PC has entered into an idle state. It is considered that your computer is in an idle state if the screensaver is on or if the percentage of CPU and memory operation is 0%. As soon as the Task Scheduler has detected that your computer is in an idle state, it will begin the countdown of the length of time that has been set. If you come back at this time and continue your work, the application will reset the task. You can also set the time condition to 0 and in this case, the task will run when the application will detect that your computer has entered the idle state. If the Stop if the computer ceases to be the idle condition is on, the task will stop running after the computer gets out from the idle state. Normally, this task will run just one time. To run every time the computer remains inactive you have to check the Restart if the idle state resumes.

3.2. Power conditions

This condition is dedicated to laptop users because it follows the power method of the device. While a computer receives a current flow of energy from a source, the laptop can run on a battery when you do not have a stable source of power. With this condition, you can set a task to run when the computer is connected to a stable and continuous source of energy after the trigger was activated. You can also set a condition. You can also configure the condition so as not to allow the task to run if the device goes on the battery power. From these conditions, you can also create a task that will tell the computer to start from sleep mode and run the actions after it was triggered. Consider that this can happen during hours of rest and may create trouble. To avoid this, make sure the device is at a distance where it cannot bother you or turn it off when you rest.

3.3. Network conditions

With this condition, you can configure a task to run if a specific named network is available or if any connection is available when the task is triggered. If you consider that your task will need network conditions to run, you can also set this in the conditions.

4. Task settings

Task settings are indicating how a task run, is deleted, or is stopped. You can find the panel with all the available settings in the Settings tab from the Task Properties or from the Create Task menu. The following list contains a description of all the available settings. SPONSORED

4.1. Allow tasks to run on demand

Here you can specify if the task can be run manually before or after it is scheduled by allowing it to run on demand. You can set a task to run at any time on demand. You find more information about the demand configuration in the How to run a task on demand topic of this article.

4.2. Run a task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed

This setting will assure you that a task will start running even if it could not run when it was scheduled from different reasons (the device was turned off, Task Scheduler was busy). In the default settings, the Task Scheduler will not start the task immediately when the service is available. It will wait 10 minutes and then immediately start the process.

4.3. If the task fails, restart every time period

This setting will force the Task Scheduler to restart the task if the previous attempt was thwarted by an error. You have to add the time interval between the running attempts and the number of attempts to achieve.

4.4. Stop a task if it runs longer than the time period

With this setting you can establish a time limit in which the task can run. This setting is used for limiting the number of tasks that need a long period of time to execute and in this way you can save resources for your computer.

4.5. If the task is not scheduled to run again, delete if after a time period

This feature replaces an action that you should do it manually. If you schedule a task to run only once means that you will not need it in the future and not unnecessarily load the list of tasks you should delete after you have used it. This setting will delete automatically the task after a period of time set by the user after it was activated. Remember, your task must include at least one trigger with an expiration date in order to select this setting.

4.6. If a task is already running you must know a few things

You must configure the Task Scheduler to know how to run the task in case another instance of the current task is already running.

Do not try to start a new instance because the application will not run the new instance and either stop the current instance from running.

You can run a new instance in parallel. Task Scheduler is able to run different instances in parallel, so if you want to run a new instance, it will run it at the same time as the instance that is already running.

You can queue a new instance. You can set an instance to start as soon as the current task ends the activity. The Task Scheduler will add your add the new instance in a queue and the service will not stop the current task from running.

Stop the current instance. After you stop the current instance, the service will try to run on the next one.

You can run a new instance in parallel. Task Scheduler is able to run different instances in parallel, so if you want to run a new instance, it will run at the same time as the instance that is already running.

You can queue a new instance. You can set an instance to start as soon as the current task ends the activity. The Task Scheduler will add your add the new instance in a queue and the service will not stop the current task from running.

Stop the current instance. After you stop the current instance, the service will try to run on the next one.

You can run a new instance in parallel. Task Scheduler is able to run different instances in parallel, so if you want to run a new instance, it will run it at the same time as the instance that is already running.

You can queue a new instance. You can set an instance to start as soon as the current task ends the activity. The Task Scheduler will add your add the new instance in a queue and the service will not stop the current task from running.

Stop the current instance. After you stop the current instance, the service will try to run on the next one.

5. Task security context

By default, the Task Scheduler runs the tasks in order with the security context of every user logged on when the task is triggered. You can modify these settings from the Security options sections of the General tab after you have selected the task that you want to modify. For a better organization of your tasks, you can group them on users or on groups of users by clicking on the Change User or Group category. If your user does not have administrator rights the button will be called Change User and your account will not be able to enter the Administrators group. The Run whether the user is logged on or not feature allows you to run tasks even if the specific user is not logged on. The feature is used for tasks that need to be run on any user of the system. If this setting is checked, the tasks will not run interactively. To make a task run only when a user is logged on, select the Run only when the user is logged on radio button. If the Run whether the user is logged on or not feature is used, you should supply the credentials of the account no matter if you check the Do not store password or not. In the account is not logged on, the Task Scheduler will use the saved credentials in order to run the task. When you select the Do not store password, the application will not save the credentials when you are creating a task but will discard them after the user properly authenticates. When the service requires running a task, it will use the Service-for-user (S4U) extensions to the logging protocol to retrieve the user’s token. In other words, the main purpose of the Service-for-user is to secure the context of the account.

6. How to use the Task Scheduler

6.1. Start Task Scheduler

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

There are several ways you can get to access this application. You find above two of them that will work on any version of Windows that you have.

6.2. Create a task

  1. Press the Start button on your taskbar.

  2. Type task scheduler in the search box that opens and click on the first result.

  3. When the Task Scheduler app opens, navigate to the Library section from the left pane.

  4. Select the folder where you want to create a task. If you have not already a created folder, from the Actions tab, click on the New folder… button and name your new folder.

  5. Click on the Create Task button from the Actions section.

  6. You must enter a name for your task in the General tab of the Create Task dialog box.

  7. Select what type of trigger you want to be attached to this action. To do this, open the Triggers tab, and click on the … button.

  8. Choose the action or the set of actions which will be found in the task. Enter the Actions menu of the Create Task, and click on the .. button and configure your action settings.

  9. Take a look at the Conditions and Settings tab to better customize the task for your needs.

  10. Click on the OK button from the Create Task dialog box to finish the task creation process.

The process of creating an automated task via Task Scheduler in Windows 10 is simple and fast. The app allows you to configure every setting, such as the task’s name, its triggers and conditions.

6.3. How to change an already created task

6.4. How to delete a task

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

6.5. How to create a Task Folder

To organize better the scheduled tasks we recommend you to share them in different folders depending on their role.

6.6. How to delete a Task Folder

If you want to delete a folder to better organize your tasks, you must ensure that it is empty, so be sure to delete all the tasks and the subfolder tasks before you delete the task folder.

6.7. How to import a task

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

Task Scheduler has a feature that allows you to import tasks, which will be added to a folder chosen by you. All the task characteristics can be found in an XML file.

6.8. How to export a task

Export a task using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

Task Scheduler has also an integrated feature that allows you to export your task to different users. The task will be saved in an XML format that can be shared like a usual file.

6.9. How to run a task on demand

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

This feature helps you to run a task after or before it was scheduled to run. This is possible only if the task is not disabled and the Allow task to be run on demand setting is selected for your task.

6.10. How to stop a running task

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

Task Scheduler is offering a feature that allows you to end the activity of a task even if it is already running. To do that, the running task must have the If the running task does not stop when requested, force it to stop setting activated. This feature is commonly used when a task does not finish its activity when you finish the ending process.

6.11. How to enable a task to run

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

When a task is disabled it can execute the actions. You can create a task and leave it off until the moment you want to use it. Here are two ways to activate a task that any kind of user can implement.

6.12. How to disable a task for running

Using Windows interface

Using Command Prompt

Task Scheduler has a feature that allows you to disable the activity of a task for a certain period of time. You can enable the task again at any time when you will need it.

6.13. How to view task properties and history

Using Windows interface

The task history option can be enabled and also disabled from the Action panel. There you will find the Disable All Task History / Enable All Task History buttons, and depending on your wish, you can configure the task’s history. Also, you can view the description of an event from the events list by clicking on the History tab.

Using Command Prompt

The task properties contain everything we must know about every task (name, description, actions, triggers, security options, conditions, and settings). The task history is a list with all the tasks created until that moment and can be viewed along with the properties. This list is based on the events tracked by Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler event log. Every action related to a task is considered an event, so every time when a task runs is building a line in the event log. We hope that our detailed guide to Tasks Scheduler has given you a broad overview of this application and that you will be able to successfully schedule your tasks in Windows going forward. Also, if you own a business and want to make sure you have everything under control, then check out our list of the best scheduling software for employees. For any questions and more suggestions, please access the comments section below.

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