Now, during the lines from below we will be checking how to fix the problems that are related to the Credential Manager feature thus if you are dealing with malfunctions, don’t hesitate and read the following guidelines. But why is so important to use the Credential Manager after all? Well, basically your web browser app is using this default feature for storing your personal data and accounts. Then, through this information, the Windows 10 system can automatically log you on to websites or other computers. Therefore, if Credential Manager isn’t working properly, your Windows 10 device will not be able to save your credentials and you will not be able to automatically log in into your various accounts – thus a manual operation will be required each time you want to access a website or a different computer. Addressing the issues that are related to your credentials is easy though you can fix these problems in two ways: manually by using in-built options and by accessing Registry on your computer; both methods will be explained below, choose the troubleshoot solution you prefer the most. Credential Manager is an important part of Windows, but users reported various issues with it, and speaking of issues, today we’re going to cover the following problems:

Windows 10 Credential Manager not saving password This is one of the most common problems, but you should be able to solve it by entering your credentials manually or by removing and adding them again. Credential manager error 0x80070425 This is a relatively common issue with Credential Manager, and if you’re having this problem, be sure to try one of our solutions. Cannot open Credential Manager One of the more serious problems with Credential Manager is the inability to open it. This can be a big problem since you won’t be able to access your saved passwords at all. Credential Manager Access denied This error message can sometimes appear while trying to access Credential Manager. This is usually caused due to lack of certain privileges, but you can easily fix this issue. Credential Manager keeps crashing If your Credential Manager is crashing, this can be a big problem. However, you should be able to fix it using one of our solutions.

How do I fix the Credential manager in Windows 10?

1. Change your Internet Options

According to users, you might be able to fix the problems with Credential Manager by changing your Internet Options. After making these changes, check if Credential Manager is working.

2. Use Registry Editor

Few users claim that you can fix the problems with Credential Manager simply by using Registry Editor.  After making these changes to the registry, check if the problem is resolved.

3. Change ownership for Vault directory

Credential Manager holds its information in a certain Vault directory. However, sometimes Credential Manage is not working because the Vault directory is missing certain permissions. After doing that, you need to locate the AC658CB4-9126-49BD-B877-31EEDAB3F204 folder. You should be able to find it inside the Vault directory. Once you locate this folder, you need to do the following: Many users reported that these directories didn’t have any permissions assigned to them, and that caused Access Denied error message to appear when trying to run Credential Manager. After changing the permissions, this problem should be resolved and you’ll be able to use Credential Manager again.

4. Set the Credential Manager service to Automatic

If you’re having problems with Credential Manager, you might be able to fix those problems simply by changing the Startup type of its service. SPONSORED Many users reported that Credential Manager was forgetting saved passwords. After changing the Startup type of service, your Credential Manager should start working again without any problems. Few users reported that restarting the Credential Manager service fixed the problem, so feel free to do that as well. To restart this service, simply click the Stop button, wait for a few seconds and then click on the Start button to start the service again.

5. Enter the credentials manually in Credential Manager

If the Credential Manager isn’t working properly, you might be able to fix the problem by entering your credentials manually. Keep in mind that you might have to repeat this solution few times to fix this problem, so feel free to try it out.

6. Use Microsoft Edge to change saved passwords in Credential Manager

According to users, you can fix problems with Credential Manager simply by changing saved passwords in Microsoft Edge. After doing that, your Credential Manager should start working again. If everything is working properly, be sure to revert any changes you made to your saved passwords in Edge. Several users suggested removing all your saved passwords from Edge in order to fix the problem. Before you remove your passwords, be sure to export them or write them down since you might not be able to restore them. Few users reported that removing saved passwords from Edge fixed the problem, so be sure to try that.

7. Use the IP address of the device

If you can’t access the network drive, you might have to make a few changes in Credential Manager. To fix the issue, users are suggesting to find the problematic credential and remove it. Now create a new credential, but be sure to use the IP address of the device in the credential creation process. Now enter your username and password and the issue should be resolved.

8. Delete the Protect directory

Few users reported that they fixed the problem with Credential Manager simply by removing all files from Protect directory. Keep in mind that this process will delete all login credentials on your PC, so you might want to export and save your passwords. After deleting the contents of the Protect directory, the problem should be completely resolved. So that’s how you can anytime fix your Credential Manager problems. Try both methods if the first one isn’t working for you; also if after completing this step by step guide you are still experiencing problems with your Windows 10 device, don’t hesitate and share your issues with us by using the comments field from below and we will try to assist you as soon as possible.

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