The list of games for Steam Deck is growing by the day, with the team trying them individually, but the process could be a tad slow in the initial days. Just so you get the idea, as of February, reports suggest the total number of games on Steam reached 50,000, so Valve employees are facing a pretty daunting task. But that shouldn’t act as a deterrent. Valve has already verified many cool and exciting games compatible with the Steam Deck, and we have presented the best ones in the following sections.

Is Steam Deck compatible with all Steam games?

Sadly, the answer is no! Steam Deck works on a Linux-based operating system with a 1280x800px resolution, so all games available on the Steam platform won’t be compatible. Steam has categorized games into four types depending on their compatibility with the Steam Deck.

Verified: These games work perfectly well. Compatible: Users might have to make slight modifications well within the scope of acceptable ones Unsupported: The ones that are not functional or simply unsupported games on Steam Deck presently Unknown: These haven’t been checked for compatibility yet

To find out if your favorite title is available on Steam Deck, head to the Steam store on the console itself and verify the category it falls under.

What games are Steam Deck supported?

Many games are currently compatible and supported on Steam Deck by Valve. You can find the complete list of compatible matches on the official website. And it’s regularly updated, so any game verified will feature here immediately. Also, you can check the list of Valve Steam Deck compatible games on SteamDB, a third-party website that extensively covers various aspects of the gaming platform. And if you were looking for one, there’s no Steam Deck compatible games checker, so you must verify it manually.

What are the best Steam Deck games?

Is Steam Deck underpowered?

Steam Deck has been called an underpowered device by many. Still, for a handheld gaming console, it’s one of the best available in the market and beats Switch by a considerable margin on most parameters. Every legend has unique skills and abilities. And using an expanding array of lethal weapons, the aim is to be the last man/team standing. So if you haven’t tried it yet, go ahead and play Apex Legends, one of the best compatible games on Valve Steam Deck. ⇒ Get Apex Legends The game is about survival, and defeating your enemies is the key here. In addition, Elden Ring offers users various customizations to enhance the gameplay, from changing the character’s appearance to combining weapons and magic. ⇒ Get Elden Ring SPONSORED In the game, players control Kratos, the lead character, and a Spartan Warrior sent by the Greek Gods to kill the God of War. The game blends mythology, exciting gameplay, and striking graphics perfectly. ⇒ Get God of War A player starts as a highly trained monster slayer available for hire and has to fight foes, kill monsters, and earn rewards. The rewards can be used to upgrade weapons, buy armory, or spend on horse races, card games, and fist fighting. ⇒ Get The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt F1 22 also features in the Top Seller list on Steam. The new game comprises 20 drivers and 10 teams, and players are required to create a team and take it to glory. In addition, various modes are available for players to choose from, each offering a captivating experience. ⇒ Get F1 22 You can not expect it to run the most powerful game released 10 years later. But at the moment, most of the major titles are available on Steam Deck and run exceptionally well. That’s all there’s to Valve Steam Deck and its compatible games. While we have listed just a few, you would be able to play many more on Steam Deck. And the list will surely expand in the coming days. Also, for those who didn’t know, you could connect your Xbox Game Pass to Steam Deck. Besides, find out how to change the Steam Deck resolution when docked and undocked. If you have other queries, either head to Steam Deck Support or drop a comment here.

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